Conversion of bearer shares into registered shares

On April 4, 2023, the ordinary annual general meeting of shareholders of Schweiter Technologies AG, Steinhausen, approved the conversion of its bearer shares with a nominal value of CHF 1.00 each into registered shares.

  • Why do bearer shares have to be converted to registered shares?

    For reasons of transparency, bearer shares are becoming less common in Switzerland. Swiss companies want to know who their shareholders are, to make it is easier to communicate with them.

  • What do I need to do with my bearer shares in order to get the new registered shares?

    For shareholders whose bearer shares are kept in an open bank deposit, the conversion to the new registered shares will take place automatically. You won’t have to do anything.

    Shareholders who keep their bearer shares at home or in a safety deposit box are requested to hand these securities in to their bank so they can receive the new registered shares. Most Swiss companies listed on the stock exchange no longer offer shares as paper certificates, with shares being held in the form of so-called intermediate securities instead. This protects shareholders from the loss or theft of their shares. The new registered shares will therefore not be presented as physical certificates.

  • Will I still be able to take part in the Annual General Meeting as usual?

    As a holder of registered shares, you will have to be entered in the share register in order to take part in the Annual General Meeting. If you have already been registered via the general authorization process for any other Swiss companies, you should be automatically entered in our share register through your deposit bank.

    If you haven’t received a general authorization form (“Generelle Eintragungsermächtigung”) or if you’re not sure, please get in touch with your bank and ask them.

  • Will the ticker symbol and securities number change?

    The ticker symbol for the listed registered share will remain unchanged as SWTQ.

    The securities number / ISIN will change to:
    124866700 / CH1248667003

Conversion of bearer shares into registered shares

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